Communication Methods

MArCH has several different methods for communicating news to its members. Some of them are intended as one way communication from the organization to the member and others are open for member to member communication.

If you need help with any of the communication methods, please mail

Communication Method


MArCH News
(Organization to Member)
News and announcements related specifically to the MArCH Organization or items that the President deems necessary for everyone to know about.
Items sent to this list are moderated and need to be approved before they are sent to the group. All members of MArCH are automatically added to the MArCH News group.You must be a MArCH member to be part of this group.Address:
MArCH Chat
(Member to Member)
This group is limited to homeschool related topics. You may email about homeschool information, about field trip/learning opportunities, about your needs for purchasing or selling curriculum or request prayer. You must be a member of MArCH to be part of this group. All members of MArCH are automatically added to the group; however, you may unsubscribe from the group if you do not wish to receive this information.

Disclaimer: Information shared by members on the MArCH Chat Group is not necessarily approved or supported by MArCH.


MArCH Facebook Group
(Organization to Member)
(Member to Member)
The Facebook group is an open group where any member of the group may post messages. You may post homeschool information, post your needs for purchasing or selling curriculum/other items, or request/share any other information which may include the need for a pet sitter, non-MArCH related field trips, organize a play date, sporting events, etc. This group exists on Facebook, so you must have a Facebook account to join the group. You can request membership to join the group, then after membership in MArCH is verified, you will be added.

Note: We limit advertisements for businesses unless they are in response to a request. For example: If someone asks for an appliance repair person in McKinney, the reply post is allowed to include businesses.  We produce a business directory once per year in which MArCH members can list their businesses, and you can pay to advertise your business in the MArCH Newsletter that is emailed to all members several times per year.

Disclaimer: Information shared by members on the MArCH Facebook Group is not necessarily approved or supported by MArCH.
